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Mariska Jung

Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Mariska Jung is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Belgium, and studies the (dis)entanglement of race, religion, and animal politics from an interdisciplinary perspective, straddling the humanities and social sciences. For her doctoral research project Jung analyses political (parliamentarian) phenomena via an engagement with Critical Race Theory, Animal Studies, Religious Studies, and Gender Studies. Ultimately, the project is political sociological in nature.

Jung is a core member of RHEA, the university’s Center for Research on Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality, and was awarded a PhD scholarship by EDGE, the VUB's strategic research program Evaluating Democratic Governance in Europe. She is also affiliated to the Race-Religion Constellation project at the Radboud Universiteit in the Netherlands. In 2022 she was a Fulbright Schuman visiting scholar at the Department for Gender and Women's Studies, University of California Berkeley in the USA.

Prior to joining the VUB, Mariska Jung worked as a researcher with several anti-discrimination NGOs, such as the European Network Against Racism in Belgium and RADAR in the Netherlands. She is a Senior Fellow with the international Humanity in Action Fellowship and was a member of the Dekolonisatie Netwerk voormalig Nederlands-Indië, a network for people in the Netherlands with a diasporic connection to the colonial Dutch East-Indies and contemporary Indonesia, the Moluccan Islands and Papua. Jung has also worked as a producer, program organizer, and moderator in Studio K, Pakhuis De Zwijger, De Balie, Kaaitheater, and Beursschouwburg.

Jung graduated from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands (BSc Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, cum laude and BA Philosophy, cum laude) and SOAS University of London in the UK (MSc Migration Mobility and Development, distinction).

PUBLICATIONS - selection


Jung, M. & De Koning, M. (2024/forthcoming). Race, Religion, and Ethnicity: Critical Junctures, Special Issue with Religions, guest editorship.

Jung, M. & Huijzer, J. (2024/forthcoming). Animal Politics or Animal Police? Islamophobia and Animal Advocacy Politics. Journal for Race, Ethnicity, and Politics.

Jung, M. (2022). Religion, Animals, and Racialization: Articulating Islamophobia through Animal Ethics in The Netherlands. Religions, 13, p. 955 - 975. Part of Special Issue "Religion, Animals, and X" edited by Aaron Gross and Katharine Mershon.

Jung, M. (2021). Connecting feminist, antiracist and animal politics: A bridge too far?, Tijdschrift for Gender Studies, 24 (3/4), p. 359 - 375.

Jung, M. (2021). De emancipatie van dieren wordt niet bereikt met racisme. In I. Adam, T. Adefioye, S. D'Agostino, N. Schuermans, & F. Trauner (Eds.), Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme: 44 Opinies (pp. 215-218). Brussel: VUBPRESS.

Jung, M., & Withaeckx, S. (2021). De 'mens' in het humanisme in vraag stellen. In I. Adam, T. Adefioye, S. D'Agostino, N. Schuermans, & F. Trauner (Eds.), Migratie, Gelijkheid & Racisme: 44 Opinies (pp. 33-39). Brussel: VUBPRESS.

Jung, M., & Withaeckx, S. (2021). Questioning 'the Human' in Humanism. In I. Adam, T. Adefioye, S. D'Agostino, N. Schuermans, & F. Trauner (Eds.), Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions (pp. 31-36). Brussels: VUBPRESS.

Jung, M. (2021). The Emancipation of Animals Will Not Be Built On Racism. In I. Adam, T. Adefioye, S. D'Agostino, N. Schuermans, & F. Trauner (Eds.), Migration, Equality & Racism: 44 Opinions (pp. 203-206). Brussels: VUBPRESS.

Jung, M. (2015). ‘Logics of citizenship and violence of rights: The queer migrant body and the asylum system’, Birkbeck Law Review 3(2). 



Jung, M. (2020). Beeldenstorm is stem van de onderdrukten: Jan Pieterszoon Coen Must Fall!. Joop.nl 

Jung, M. (2018). Dutch Gayservatives: homorechten en racisme gaan hand in hand. Versbeton.nl 

Jung, M. (2018). Waar is de steun voor #tegenniqabverbod?. Nieuwwij.nl 

Jung, M. & Walz, G. (2016). Local governance of diversity. Urbandiverscities.eu 

Jung, M. (2016). Het boerkaverbod is terug, maar waar is het debat?. Joop.nl 

Jung, M. & L. Boerhout (2012). 2013 wordt het laatste jaar dat we over Zwarte Piet praten. Joop.nl 



RADAR / IDEM Rotterdam

Jung, M. (2018). Kenniskaart Islamofobie. Rotterdam: IDEM. 

Witte, R. & Jung, M. (2018). Diversiteit aan de Maas. Signalen over integratie, discriminatie, lhbti-emancipatie en vrouw/man-emancipatie. Rotterdam: IDEM. 

Jung, M. (2018). Een echte man! Wat is dat dan?. Idemrotterdam.nl 

Jung, M. (2016). Feitenkaart Armoede. Rotterdam: IDEM. 

Jung, M. (2016). Discriminatie in Rotterdam. Resultaten van de Omnibusenquête 2015. Rotterdam: IDEM. 

Jung, M. (2016). Stadsbeelden integratie, lhbti-emancipatie en vrouw/man-emancipatie. Rotterdam: IDEM.

Jung, M. (2016). Waarom armoede ook een integratiekwestie is. Idemrotterdam.nl 

Jung, M. (2016). Huwelijkse vrijheid en gevangenschap in Nederland. Rotterdam: IDEM Rotterdam. 

Jung, M. (2016). Emancipatie is een mannenzaak. Idemrotterdam.nl 

Jung, M. (2016). Moreel appèl voor veilige opvang lhbt-vluchtelingen. Idemrotterdam.nl


European Network Against Racism

Jung, M. (2016). Forgotten women: The impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women in the Netherlands. Brussels: ENAR.



Religion, Animals, and Racialization: Articulating Islamophobia through Animal Ethics in The Netherlands
By Mariska Jung
October 2022


Connecting feminist, antiracist, and animal politics: A bridge too far?
By Mariska Jung
December 2021
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies

Mariska Jung

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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