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Nik Linders

Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies


I am currently working on a PhD project in the Gender & Diversity Studies department at Radboud University Nijmegen. My PhD project is about gender (and masculinity in particular), sexuality, and the Dutch Populist Radical Right. Additionally, I am working on several projects concerning the mainstreaming of radical/extreme idealogies, esotericism and conspiracy theories, tradwives, and diversity & inclusion in academia.

I work primarily as a researcher, but my contract also includes teaching and supervision responsibilities. I am also active in organizing community events, seminars and lectures. Academically, I am mostly interested in critical theory, radicalization, populism, esotericism, conspiracy theories, social inequality, and climate justice.


Linders, N., Spierings, N., & Dudink, S. (2024). How Attitudes on Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Core Populist Radical Right Values Combine in Diverging Ideological Constellations Among Populist Radical Right-Inclined Voters. Political Studies, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1177/00323217241254711

Linders, N. (2024). Mainstreaming the Great Replacement. The Role of Centrist Discourses in the Mainstreaming of a Far-Right Conspiracy Theory. In S. Bracke & L. M. Hernandez Aguilar (Eds.), The politics of replacement: Demographic fears, conspiracy theories, and race wars (pp. 162–179). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003305927-13

Linders, N., Dudink, S., & Spierings, N. (2023). Masculinity and Sexuality in Populist Radical Right Leadership. Politics & Gender, 19(3), 653–674. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X22000265

Linders, N. (2022, December 5). Sexuality, Masculinity, and Populist Radical Right Leadership. LSE Engenderings. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/gender/2022/12/05/sexuality-masculinity-and-populist-radical-right-leadership/

Spierings, N., Jacobs, K., & Linders, N. (2019). Keeping an Eye on the People: Who Has Access to MPs on Twitter? Social Science Computer Review, 37(2), 160–177. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439318763580


Research Article

How Attitudes on Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Core Populist Radical Right Values Combine in Diverging Ideological Constellations Among Populist Radical Right-Inclined Voters.
By Nik Linders and Nik Linders
May 2024
Political Studies

Book Chapter

Mainstreaming the Great Replacement. The Role of Centrist Discourses in the Mainstreaming of a Far-Right Conspiracy Theory.
By Nik Linders and Nik Linders
January 2024
In S. Bracke & L. M. Hernandez Aguilar (Eds.), The politics of replacement: Demographic fears, conspiracy theories, and race wars (pp. 162–179). Routledge.

Blog post

Sexuality, Masculinity, and Populist Radical Right Leadership
By Nik Linders and Nik Linders
December 2022
LSE Engenderings

Research Article

Masculinity and Sexuality in Populist Radical Right Leadership
By Nik Linders and Nik Linders
September 2022
Politics & Gender

Research Article

Keeping an Eye on the People: Who Has Access to MPs on Twitter?
By Nik Linders and Nik Linders
April 2018
Social Science Computer Review

Nik Linders

Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies

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