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Patricia Schor

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Patricia Schor is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Prior to this, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Radboud University with the project entitled “Figures of Race in Dutch Modernity: Blacks, Jews and Muslims,” for which she was awarded a Talent Scheme Veni grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

Her essay entitled “Kennisregime als koloniale erfenis & de kritische rol van de universiteit has been published as part of the collection “Doorwerkingen van slavernijverleden” (organization Staatscommissie tegen Discriminatie en Racisme). The collection has been handed to the chair of the House of Representatives Vera Bergkamp and will be handed to the prime minister as well. 

She was previously a lecturer of Humanities and Social Sciences courses at Amsterdam University College, such as the courses “Race, Class and Gender Intersectionality” and “Sociology of the Other.”

Patricia obtained her MA at the International Institute of Social Sciences of Erasmus University Rotterdam. She received her PhD from Utrecht University on the afterlife of colonialism in Portuguese postcolonial literature and theory. In her dissertation she critically analysed the imagination of Portuguese colonialism as a benevolent encounter with “the African” (racialised other).

Patricia has published on gendered antiblackness, the afterlife of slavery, coloniality and the articulation of race and space, security and public order, across the Atlantic. She is a recipient of the 2017 Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and of a 2009 Prince Bernhard Scholarship.

Publications (selected)

Patricia Schor. 2023. ‘Kennisregime als koloniale erfenis & de kritische rol van de universiteit.’ In Doorwerkingen van slavernijverleden Meervoudige perspectieven op de relatie tussen verleden en hedenStaatscommissie tegen discriminatie en racism, 30-39. Staatscommissie tegen discriminatie en racisme. www.staatscommissietegendiscriminatieenracisme.nl/publicaties/publicaties/2023/07/03/index.

Patricia Schor. 2020. ‘Fencing the Black Body Within: The Blackface Debate in the Netherlands.’  darkmatter: in the ruins of imperial culture 15 ((De-)Facing the dark face of Europe), edited by Noémi Michel and Bel Parnell-Berry. https://darkmatter-hub.pubpub.org/pub/ijx9u812/release/2

Patricia Schor. 2019. ‘Racism: Incitement to Discourse and the Economy of Knowledge in Certain Geographies of the African Diaspora’ [article in Portuguese]. Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 32: 193-200. https://ojs.lib.umassd.edu/index.php/plcs/article/view/PLCS32_Schor_page193

Egbert Alejandro Martina and Patricia Schor. 2018. ‘White Order, Corporate Capital and Control of Mobility in the Netherlands.’ In Smash the Pillars: Decoloniality and the Imaginary of Color in the Dutch Kingdom, edited by Melissa F. Weiner and Antonio Carmona Báez, 149-160. New York: Lexington Books. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498554275/Smash-the-Pillars-Decoloniality-and-the-Imaginary-of-Color-in-the-Dutch-Kingdom

Patricia Schor and Egbert Alejandro Martina. 2018. ‘Claiming Greyness: Dutch Coloniality Against Polarisation.’ In Postcolonial Europe: Comparative Reflections after the Empires, edited by Lars Jensen, Julia Suárez-Krabbe, Christian Groes and Zoran L. Pecic, 75-90. London: Rowman & Littlefield. https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786603050/Postcolonial-Europe-Comparative-Reflections-after-the-Empires

Patricia Schor. 2016. ‘Language as Art Object. Africa in the Representations of the Portuguese Language - Brazil & Portugal.’ Luso-Brazilian Review 53 (1): 1-38. http://lbr.uwpress.org/content/53/1/1.abstract

Salomão Jovino da Silva and Patricia Schor. 2016. ‘Black Representations and Stereotypes. (Im)Probable Crossings Between Dutch Folklore and São Paulo’s Theatre’ [article in Portuguese]. In Projeto História 56 (May/August): 57-71. https://revistas.pucsp.br/revph/article/view/27129

Egbert Alejandro Martina and Patricia Schor. 2015. ‘White Order:  The Racialization of Public Space in the Netherlands.’ Dedalus – Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada 19 (Cultures of (In)Security): 161-188. http://aplc.org.pt/files/DEDALUS%2019%20(2015)/9__Egbert_Alejandro_Martina_Patricia_Schor.pdf

Patricia Schor and Egbert Alejandro Martina. 2013. ‘The Alien Body in Contemporary Netherlands: Incarceration and Force-feeding of Asylum Seekers.’ Critical Legal Thinking – Law & the Political, October 14. https://criticallegalthinking.com/2013/10/14/alien-body-contemporary-netherlands-incarceration-force-feeding-asylum-seekers/

Emanuelle Santos and Patricia Schor (eds). 2012. P.: Portuguese Cultural Studies 4 (Brazilian Postcolonialities). https://scholarworks.umass.edu/p/vol4/iss1/



“Kennisregime als koloniale erfenis & de kritische rol van de universiteit”
By Patricia Schor
July 2023
Staatscommissie tegen discriminatie en racisme


Race–Religion Constellations: Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Antiblackness
By Patricia Schor
June 2023

Patricia Schor

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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