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Josias Tembo

Post-Doctoral Researcher


Josias Tembo completed his PhD at Radboud University in the department of ethics and political philosophy. He has a BA in philosophy from St John Vianney Seminary, BA Honours philosophy and master degree in philosophy on African identity from the University of Pretoria. His PhD is on framing the trans-Atlantic sociopolitical entanglements of race and religion. He is interested in and written on critical philosophy of race, African philosophy, decolonial and postcolonial theories, and social and political philosophy.

Published articles and book chapters:

Tembo, J. (2022). Do African Postcolonial Theories Need an Epistemic Decolonial Turn? Postcolonial Studies, 25 (1), 35-53. doi: 10.1080/13688790.2022.2030582

Tembo, J. (2022). Race-Religion Constellations: An Argument for a Trans-Atlantic Interactive Relational Approach. Critical Research on Religion, 10 (2). doi: 10.1177/20503032221102443 Full text 

Tembo, J. (2020). Hegel’s Lord- Bondsman Dialectic and the African: A Critical Appraisal of Achille Mbembe’s Colonial Subjects. In U Kistner & P Van Haute (Eds.), Violence, Slavery and Freedom between Hegel and Fanon (pp. 71-92). Johannesburg: Wits University Press

Tembo, J. & Gerber, S. (2019). Toward a Postcolonial Universal Ontology: Notes on the Thought of Achille Mbembe. In E. Imafidon (Ed.), Handbook of African Philosophy of Difference (Handbooks in Philosophy) (pp. 1-22). Cham: Springer doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-04941-6_8-1

Tembo, J. (2018). Mbembe at the Lekgotla of Foucault's Self-Styling and African Identity. Phronimon, 19 (1). doi: 10.25159/2413-3086/2121


Forthcoming publications: In press

Tembo, J. (2022). Unveiling the Entanglements of Western Christianity and Racialisation in Africa. Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies.                    

Topolski, A.R. & Tembo, J. (2022). Exploring the Entanglement of Race and Religion in Africa. Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies.


Research Networks/Centres

Race-Religion Constellation Project (Radboud University)

The Race, Religion, and Secularism Network (Inter-Universities Network)

Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (Uppsala University)

Radboud Centre for Philosophy and Society (Radboud University Nijmegen)


Global Perspectives on the Race-Religion Constellation

Researchers: Josias Tembo

Josias Tembo is a PhD researcher who forms part of the Race-Religion Constellation Research Project. Within the broader framework of the race-religion intersection research project (Topolski 2018 & Meer2013), this PhD study focuses on the questions: What is the relationship between the ‘Semite’ (Jews and Arabs) and the creation of the ‘pagan’ from the indigenous peoples of Sub-Saharan African and Americas? Was this process of othering constitutive in the formation of exclusionary modern political communities? How has this political-theological logic co-constituted the political racialization of these categorized peoples interrelatedly (changed from the political subject of Christianity and its other (s)) to overtime to create contemporary political practices or racial exclusion? Taking a philosophical and interdisciplinary approach, the research will examine the race-religion constellation from the perspective of Europe, Africa and the Americas.



Exploring the Entanglement of Race and Religion in Africa
By Anya Topolski and Josias Tembo
December 2022
Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies


Race-Religion Constellations: An Argument for a Trans-Atlantic Interactive Relational Approach
By Josias Tembo
July 2022
Critical Research on Religion


Do African Postcolonial Theories Need an Epistemic Decolonial Turn?
By Josias Tembo
April 2022
Postcolonial Studies

Book chapter

Hegel’s Lord- Bondsman Dialectic and the African: A Critical Appraisal of Achille Mbembe’s Colonial Subjects
By Josias Tembo
January 2020
U Kistner & P Van Haute (Eds.), Violence, Slavery and Freedom between Hegel and Fanon (pp. 71-92). Johannesburg: Wits University Press

Book chapter

Toward a Postcolonial Universal Ontology: Notes on the Thought of Achille Mbembe.
By Josias Tembo
January 2019
E. Imafidon (Ed.), Handbook of African Philosophy of Difference (Handbooks in Philosophy) (pp. 1-22). Cham: Springer


Mbembe at the Lekgotla of Foucault's Self-Styling and African Identity
By Josias Tembo
September 2018

Josias Tembo

Post-Doctoral Researcher